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Lansweeper Alumni
If you are upgrading a current installation, make sure to take a full backup first.

This version is a release candidate.

Beta testing is closed

Latest version:
Website: 5128

Known issues:

Beta fixes:
- Improved Asset rename detection.
- Added: 50:50:54:50:30:30 and 02:00:54:55:4E:01 to Blacklist.
- Added: Report “Assets Out of Warranty” to default dashboard.
- Added: Report “Assets Out of Warranty in 60 days” to default dashboard.
- Added: HP Warranty check for computers that require the SKU field.
- Added: Dell purchase country to warranty check.
- Fixed: Sun servers are detected as windows if RPC portmapper port is open.
- Fixed: Location save bug in IE7 and IE8.
- Fixed: Invalid memory detected in some Xen Server versions.
- Fixed: Lspush does not update legacy table “tblmonitors”

- Added: Upon rename detection or merging an asset, the old asset name is added to the comments of the new asset.
- Added: Improved performance and caching for active directory lookups.
- Added: Alienware warranty lookup.
- Added: HP monitor warranty lookup.
- Added: Support for Hyper-V scanning on Windows 2012 R2 (Lspush and service)
- Added: Better support for large location maps (display, scrolling, …)
- Added: Linux PCI cards: use device name and subsystem name.
- Fixed: Dell Warranty lookup website changes.
- Fixed: Note widget could not be edited in some browser versions.
- Fixed: Linux fix for OSRelease in RHEL 6U4

- Improved performance for Active directory lookups and scanning.
- Changed: User search for relations now searches on “displayname”
- Changed: Wol now sends packets to all mac addresses of a computer.
- Added “Polycom dummy” mac address to blacklist.
- Fixed: Some fields trim the first character in CSV import.
- Fixed: Russian display problem in hover box.
- Fixed: Custom field 3 does not show date field correctly.
- Fixed: Bug in asset relations hover box.
- Fixed: Invalid mac address for Xerox Phaser 3xxx printers.

Fix: The assembly Lansweeper.dll has been built with an evaluation version of Eazfuscator.NET, which has expired

- New: Refresh Warranty action added to asset page.
- Fixed: Creating asset with already existing Mac address fails.

- Fixed: bug in dns resolving when using “scan now” in assettype scanning.
- Fixed: imported assets are now added to default asset group.
- Fixed: display problem in Chrome when uploading documents.
- Fixed: Lspush bug when scanning share permissions.
- Fixed: bug in “file scanning” automatic report.

- Added: Option “Never delete by cleanup options” when editing asset.
- Changed: Currency symbol for custom fields is now set according to user locale.
- Changed: Performance improvement in AD user/group enumeration.
- Fixed: IE10 report export problems.
- Fixed: HP Warranty scanning does not work for all devices.

- Added: When adding assets to groups you can filter out non-active assets.
- Added: Schedule date pickers can now fine tune minutes.
- Added: Asset relations are now shown in hover box.
- Fixed: Monitors are deleted when an snmp device with an empty mac address is scanned.
- Fixed: Scan removes uptime information if you import an old lspush file.
- Fixed: Bug in Lenovo warranty scanning.
- Fixed: Date problem when editing assets.
- Fixed: IE9 report builder display issue.
- Fixed: Import checks field “Ordernumber” incorrect.
- Fixed: In very rare cases installed software is shown twice with a different install date.
- Fixed: Linux servers with Infiniband interface are removed as duplicates because of 20 octet mac address.
- Fixed: problem adding credentials in SQL 2000.
- Fixed: Rescan of active directory users does not remove old group membership.
- Fixed: Cannot save comments when editing assets.

- Changed: Updated snmp library.
- Fixed: Asset names with “/0” characters are not filtered out.
- Fixed: Dateformat issues in date picker control.
- Fixed: Chart widget doesn't render in chrome small window.
- Fixed: Rescan asset does not update the “scan last triggered” field if the scan fails.
- Fixed: Lspush file cannot be imported if a scan of the same computer is in progress.
- Fixed: Several minor display issues.
- Fixed: Problem exporting to Excel.
- Fixed: Asset relations not saved after adding an asset manually.
- Fixed: IE11 issues on Windows 7.
- Fixed: SNMP interfaces not scanned when vlan names are too long
- Fixed: Single file report bug in sql compact.
- Fixed: Single registry report bug in sql compact.
- Fixed: Memory problem in “First run” wizard
- Fixed: Bug in Dell warranty url.
- Fixed: Batch update does not set lock when changing assettype.

- Added: SystemSKU scanning.
- Added: Ping + export options on Mass edit assets page.
- Added: Export and rescan now only export filtered results instead of the complete report.
- Added: Switch columns Alias & Description.
- Added: Rename detection now merges comments/documents and custom fields when merging assets.
- Added: Asset and user relations now have a new configurable field “Startdate”.
- Added: Mass change relations can now use “top console” user.
- Added: Support for Ricoh toner scanning.
- Added: Support for non-standard printer serial numbers.
- Added: Snmp v3 use different password and encryption key.
- Added: New webrole “Run database scripts”.
- Added: Non empty toners without detailed toner information are now shown as “OK”.
- Added: Upon service restart, active scanning remembers the last date it ran instead of looking back 14 days.
- Added: New custom user action: “User must change password”.
- Added: Virtual Mac addresses added to blacklist.
- Fixed: Vmware processors shows number of virtual processors instead of physical processors.
- Fixed: Lenovo warranty scanning not working due to change in Lenovo website.
- Fixed: Dell warranty scanning not working due to change in Dell website.
- Fixed: Bug in IP range scheduling.
- Fixed: Display issue in asset menu.
- Fixed: Some Brother printers are displayed as “Hewlett Packard”.
- Fixed: Some Canon printer serial numbers are not being scanned.
- Fixed: No toner information for Canon Imagerunner printers
- Fixed: Widget reportsearch bug when pressing enter in Firefox.
- Fixed: When the zoom level is altered all assets disappear on asset location in Internet Explorer 9.
- Fixed: Users not showing when assigning an asset to user.
- Fixed: HP Warranty scanning (needs a full rescan of the asset to get SystemSKU).
- Fixed: Data conversion error on Mass Edit Assets page.
- Fixed: Display name problem on Netman 100 Plus UPS.
- Fixed: LDAP scanning dns bug.

- Added: Individual users accounts can now be added to web roles.
- Added report: "Device: Out of warranty"
- Fixed: Harddisk serials is scrambled on some systems.
- Fixed: Manual rescan does not update latest IP Address.
- Fixed: Internet explorer is not added to software list if software with a similar name is installed.
- Fixed: Dashboard Compliance on Computer asset pages does not work.
- Fixed: Linux/BSD scanning : OS: sh: oslevel: not found.
- Fixed: several SQLCE database performance issues.
- Fixed: several small display issues.
- Fixed: Win32_WinSat is not scanned by Lspush on some x64 operating systems.
- Fixed: Export of change reports does not work.
- Fixed: Dell B2360dn printer serials ending with -99-13
- Fixed: reportbuilder resize bug
- Fixed: text encoding problem on asset location page.
- Fixed: Vmware scanning no longer uses the system proxy settings.
- Fixed: Search box now has a larger timeout.
- Fixed: “Save settings” on Alert report widget crashes in Chrome

- Support for Windows 8.1
- Support for Windows 2012 R2
- Added report "Not latest service pack Windows 8.1"
- Added report "Not latest service pack Windows 2012 R2"
- Added new serial numbers registry locations.
- Added Internet Explorer 11 detection.
- Windows User group scanning now scans Name and Description.
- Changed groups display on users.aspx page.
- Fixed bug in display of monitors.
- Fixed memory bug in "first run" screen.
- Fixed bug in sizing of user thumbnails.
- Fixed Mac address validation bug in edit asset page.
- Fixed display bug in uptime calendar.

- Fixed display bug in user direct reports.
- Added Descriptions of Active directory groups are now scanned and displayed.
- Fixed scrolling and positioning on large location maps.
- Fixed renaming detection bugs
- Fixed display of multiple monitors is incorrect
- Fixed bug in renaming detection.
- Fixed various report builder bugs
- Added manufacturer and model are now editable on the assets page.

- Added editing of Mac address on asset page
- Added AD user fields: division,info
- Added After import assets, queue for warranty check
- Added save hostname used for QR codes.
- Fixed Multiple monitors are not always added as multiple assets
- Fixed Cannot add extra credentials in IE7
- Fixed Users in cross domain groups have the wrong domain name
- Fixed Using SQL 2000 gives errors on some web pages
- Fixed Chart does not always render correctly in IE8
- Fixed CSV files cannot be imported with some separators
- Fixed Compact to SQL server gives errors on case sensitive sql servers.
- Fixed several small display issues.
- Fixed bug in rename detection.
- Fixed arithmetic operation overflow in firstrun wizard.
- Fixed Uptime daily average weekdays bug
- Fixed Configuration assetmapping -> add snmp oid doesn't work

- Active directory assets and users are incorrectly deleted during cleanup options !
- Chart display issues in IE
- Switching chart gives errors in some firefox versions.
- Certain monitors are incorrectly listed as "generic"
- Display/wrap problems when using large images as asset locations.
- Active directory user groups display problem in some browsers.
- Various small layout changes.
- Added: AD user fields: EmployeeID, EmployeeNumber, EmployeeType
- Added: Mass change: ordernummer, comments, description
- Added: "New asset" button on the user detail page

You will be able to upgrade from the beta version to the final Lansweeper 5.1 version when it's released.

How to report problems:
Send an e-mail to with subject "Beta 5.1: ...."
Please provide as much detail as possible about the problem:
-Steps to reproduce
-Browser version
-SQL version
-/lansweeper/Install log files
-/lansweeper/service/errorlog.txt file

You are also free to send in suggestions and other remarks.

Version 5.1 what's new:
PDF with 5.1 screenshots:

- CMDB: possibility to link assets to other assets and users.
- Monitors are automatically scanned as a new asset and are linked to their connected Windows computer.
- New web role: Edit licenses, access to menu “Licenses”
- SQL Server License compliance reporting
- Support for SNMP v3 credentials.
- Reworked credentials mapping screen.
- UPS SNMP discovery.
- Custom field types can now be changed (checkbox, combobox, textbox, ...)
- Detailed uptime/downtime scanning for Windows computers.
- "On demand scanning": you can add IP addresses, ranges, hostnames into a textbox and press "scan now"
- Configuration: possibility to add/change asset states (non-active, broken, ...)
- Added WMI class Win32_TPM
- Added WMI class Win32_EncryptableVolume
- Added WMI class Win32_Winsat
- Added FirmwareRevision,SerialNumber, S.M.A.R.T status for hard disks
- Automatic scanning of SQL server serial numbers.
- Added scanning of Share NTFS permissions.
- Internet explorer version automatically added to list of installed software if the information is not available in the add/remove programs list.
- Rename detection for windows computers based on model,serial number, mac address
- Better support to detect if antivirus software is installed (windows defender, …)
- Possibility to import assets from csv file.
- Scheduled rescan of assets based on asset type or asset group (ex: rescan all printers every 4 hours, rescan group “myservers” every 8 hours)
- Optionally scan existing devices (printers, switches, …) on dns name instead of IP address.
- Optional recurring IP Address Range Scanning (rescan every 2 hours)
- Switch port mapping now keeps a history of the last active device connected to a port even if the device is offline at the time of the scan.
- Manually add the labels/port names of a switch.
- Create and print QR codes for assets.
- Added active directory users group membership
- Added extra active directory user fields:HomePhone,Pager,IpPhone,State,HomePage,HomeDirectory,ProfilePath,LogonScript,whenCreated,whenChanged
- Added active directory manager/direct report relations.
- Added "Asset locations", upload a picture/map and place your assets in the correct location.
- Cleanup options now trigger all assets, not only windows computers
- Mass edit assets from the edit asset page, select multiple assets and apply mass changes.
- Lspush can now scan files and registry keys when used offline: Files.tsv and registry.tsv (tab separated) must be placed in the same folder as lspush.
- Lspush now scans SQL server and Hyper-V information and all other new 5.1 classes.
- New reports
Asset: Harddrive S.M.A.R.T. Status
Asset: Harddrive S.M.A.R.T. Status not OK
Asset: Harddrive Serial Number
Asset: Warranty Status
Asset: Windows Experience Index
Computer: Encryptable Volumes
Computer: Trusted Platform Modules
Warranty scanning status
Switch port connections
- New web role: Wake On Lan, access to mass Wake On Lan all selected assets.
- Database maintenance tool to backup\shrink\repair corrupt SQL compact databases.
- Conversion tool to migrate from SQL compact to SQL server.
- Upload user pictures directly from the website.
- Link a picture to an asset.
- User thumbnails pictures are automatically retrieved from active directory during scanning.


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