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Engaged Sweeper II
We installed the database, server and website for Lansweeper premium on a dedicated server. The first impression is great.

I have a question about the Lansweeper configuration utility. Now first we have to connect remotely to the Lansweeper server and start the Lansweeper configuration utility for making changes. Is it possible to install the Lansweeper configuration utility on my workstation so we don't have to connect remotely every time? Mayby I missed something in the manual but please forgive me because English is not my native language.

Thanx for your reaction!
A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out.
Engaged Sweeper II
Lansweeper, thanx.

Dank je wel!
A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out.
Lansweeper Alumni
Just copy the lsmanage tool and ls.ini to your workstation to connect.


Je kan gewoon lsmanage.exe en ls.ini naar je pc kopieren en zo naar de database connecteren.


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