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‎12-30-2009 09:04 PM
‎12-30-2009 10:46 PM
i am using the premium version and i am using active directory scanning (since i bought premium version i canceled the lstrigger) ,now i deleted all computer accounts from lansweeper gui console ,and now instead 600 computers i can see only 60... why ? (how much time i suppose to wait untill all of my xp computers will be in the lan sweeper database ?)
1) how can i force scaning/sync for all of my domain again by lansweeper ? (with premium version )
2) what is the default scanning policy between lansweeper to my active directory ? (if i am deleting computer account from my Active directory so he suppose to be deleted from lansweeper ? )
3) if i delete computer account from lansweeper console ,but this computer account is still exist on my active directory ,so the account will be create again in lansweeper database ?
4) in the lan sweeper console - what is the red marking mean ? (there is some xp accounts that marked in red..)
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