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Engaged Sweeper II

we want to use lsremote.exe - in the moment we use the normal uvnc, but you're more comfortable 😉

So is it possible to use all that parameters, that ultravnc know? In the moment we want to use
1) /nocursorshape (You can see the users cursor)
2) /autoscaling (If you have the same size of screen resolution, you see the whole user screen)

Also, there is the problem, my work is a hospital - so the doctors walk to the operation room and starts to call, that their pc at 'office' has a problem.
Our director want's, that the user can see, that we start a session. So the option 'AutoAccept' after 10-30 sec would be perfect, not AutoRefuse. Could you make this possible? (uvnc has that option...)

Kind Regards,

Daniel Merbecks