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‎11-16-2011 04:33 PM
‎11-17-2011 01:42 PM
‎11-16-2011 05:25 PM
‎11-17-2011 01:34 PM
dfierema wrote:
I also thought of LsPush, but I would like to avoid having to manage a client on all Windows devices. I'm not sure whether there is an easy procedure when a new LSPush client is released?
dfierema wrote:
On a side-note, could you explain how the schedule for the domain scan (computers) works? It mentions in the documentation that it can take up to 15 minutes before a device is found. Do you scan the domain continuously?
‎11-16-2011 05:09 PM
dfierema wrote:
very often, we purchase new laptops, install them and then hand them off to a customer who doesn't always work in the office.
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