is it possible (if yes how to do ?) to add new assets and prevent these assets from being deleted by any kind of automatic cleanup Action.
for example: we want to add several assets that are not part of our primary domain and we want to collect all these assets in the lansweeper-db to generate an overall-report. but if the cleanup-action is running, all our manually added asset are gone.
we're using Lansweeper Beta and i added a new asset (manually). This asset is not part of the Domain, for example a computer.
under configuration/Server Options i checked the Option to "remove Computers not found in AD"... and if i restart the Service; suddenly the asset is gone.
So my question is: is it possible to prevent manually added assets from being deleted by any cleanup option.
if it is not possible at current release can you please add this Feature to the wishlist. maybe by implementing a custom Checkbox like "do not delete this asset anyway"