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Champion Sweeper
Using the latest Lansweeper version 5 we have begun to get a lot more "assetts" than before.
Some of them are our Mac & Linux computers. Almost every Mac is recognised by Lansweeper as Linux with Manufactorer "Apple Computer Inc."

Could you in a future update:

1. Improve the auto detection of Macs to not be Linux?
2. Add a separate default credentials for Linux and Mac? (we use different "root/admin" passwords for Linux and Mac)

We also got a lot of projectors that have been detected as webservers (probably because they have a web configuration page). Is there a way to select ALL and set the type to projectors?

Our computers, projectors and everything else that is connected to our network have a name standard. It would be great if we could "force" a asset type for unsertain devices based on the dns name prefix. (projxxxxx.yyy.zzz)
Champion Sweeper
I have changed all Macs identified to Linux so that they have a static "Apple Mac" value.
Maybe this was because we don't have any account for Lansweeper to use for SSH, we will start a new project to fix this.
I'll try the device tester.

About the credentials, all our office computers are on the same IP-range so you cant separate them by IP to know which password to try.
Lansweeper Alumni
ifm wrote:
Maybe this was because we don't have any account for Lansweeper to use for SSH, we will start a new project to fix this.

Linux and Mac computers cannot be scanned correctly without an SSH credential.

ifm wrote:
About the credentials, all our office computers are on the same IP-range so you cant separate them by IP to know which password to try.

Could you clarify what you mean by this. Simply map all of your credentials (Windows, SNMP, SSH and VMware) to your IP range and Lansweeper will try them all. (Windows credentials will only be tried for Windows computers etc.)
Lansweeper Alumni
ifm wrote:
Almost every Mac is recognised by Lansweeper as Linux with Manufactorer "Apple Computer Inc."

This should not happen. Could you contact us at and provide us with screenshots of the following:
- Lansweeper webpage of one of your Mac computers.
- A connection test performed to the same computer's IP address using the DeviceTester.exe:
Please perform the test on your Lansweeper server, connecting to the IP address, and show us the entire test window.

ifm wrote:
Add a separate default credentials for Linux and Mac? (we use different "root/admin" passwords for Linux and Mac)

This should not be necessary. Lansweeper will try any credential mapped to your IP range. If one credential fails, it moves on to the next.

ifm wrote:
We also got a lot of projectors that have been detected as webservers (probably because they have a web configuration page). Is there a way to select ALL and set the type to projectors?

You would need to use a custom database script to mass-edit the device type.

ifm wrote:
Our computers, projectors and everything else that is connected to our network have a name standard. It would be great if we could "force" a asset type for unsertain devices based on the dns name prefix. (projxxxxx.yyy.zzz)

This is not currently possible. We have added this feature request to our customer wish list.


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