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Engaged Sweeper
At the moment I have two lansweeper-installations.

One on server-old and one on server-new.

server-new will replace server-old.

Both lansweeper-dbs db-old and db-new are on 2 remote sql-servers sql1 and sql2.

Now I copied web.config and lansweeperservice.exe.config from server-old two server-new and replaced the existing files.

I thought that this should be sufficient to point the lansweeperinstall on server-new to the lansweeperdb of server-old.

But when I try to start the lansweeperservice on server-new I now get the following error message:

25.10.2010 09:29:42: Stopping service
25.10.2010 09:36:55: Multiple scanning servers requires the enterprise edition
25.10.2010 09:36:55: Stopping service
25.10.2010 09:37:11: Multiple scanning servers requires the enterprise edition

How can I solve this problem ?

Thanks Martin
Lansweeper Alumni
See http://www.lansweeper.com/kb/move-lansweeper-to-different-server.aspx point 8
"Manually change the servername in table tsysasservers to the new servername."


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