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Engaged Sweeper
Hi. I'm currently testing your software and really like it. Yet I have a problem with name change detection. I enabled it in server options, also I know that it works by comparing model, serial no and MAC.

I renamed the testing machine, forced lan scan in Lansweeper and Lansweeper didn't catch name change.

New asset was created, old asset now has an Error: DNS redirected to NEWNAME but expected computer OLDNAME (OLDNAME.domain.lan) \root\cimv2

I compared both asset's required data (model/mac/serial) and they're identical.

EDIT: I also restarted lansweeper service..

I did it twice to be sure.

Am I doing something wrong? Is this feature disabled in Trial version?
Lansweeper Alumni
Just to confirm for other users: WMI did not return a serial for the problem machine, which is why rename detection did not work. Rename detection only works if a serial, model and MAC address are available.
Engaged Sweeper
Requested data sent to
Lansweeper Alumni
Can you send the following to
-program files/Lansweeper/service/errorlog.txt
-Screenshot of summary tab of both asset pages.


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