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Engaged Sweeper
We just did a server migration from 2003 to 2008 for our lansweeper and decided to do a clean install (no db carried over). Most of our assets are scanning correctly but a few PCs that were getting scanned before are now getting RPC Unavailable messages. Using the ConnectionTester utility the TCP ports are open and WMI access test is OK. Any help would be appreciated.

Engaged Sweeper
Email sent.

I didn't want to make another thread but I also have a small problem with the OS version icons.

The server version icons work in the default "Servers" tab. But they show as the Win 7 icon under all the asset pages.

Lansweeper Alumni
starview wrote:
The server version icons work in the default "Servers" tab. But they show as the Win 7 icon under all the asset pages.

These are not Windows 7 icons but generic Windows icons. In reports that include both Windows and non-Windows machines, generic (non-OS specific) icons are used for Windows machines.
Lansweeper Alumni
Please contact and provide us with:
• Program Files (x86)/Lansweeper/Service/Errorlog.txt, as present on your Lansweeper server.
• Screenshot of one problem machine’s Lansweeper webpage.
• Screenshot of a connection test performed to the client machine using testconnection.exe:
Perform the test on your Lansweeper server, check “alternate credentials”, submit the same credential used by Lansweeper to scan the machine and show us the entire test window.


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