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Engaged Sweeper II
Hi all,
Just wondering if there is any way to have Lansweeper ignore the toner setting of an older networked copier that does not supply this information. I like having the toner out message on the dashboard, but I don't want to have this older copier persist in the list.
Engaged Sweeper II
Worked great. I just added "Where tblCustDevices.Displayname <> 'YourCopier'" and specified the display name of the copier.
Lansweeper Alumni
You could modify the report to exclude that particular copier. Since it's only one machine, this would be easy to do.

Use the report below for instance. Replace 'YourCopier' with the name of your copier.

Select Top 1000000 tsysDevicetypes.ItemTypeIcon10 As icon,
tblCustDevices.Displayname As [Device name], tblCustDevices.Model As
[Device model], tblCustDevices.DeviceKey,
Floor(tblCustDevPrinter.TonerRemaining / tblCustDevPrinter.TonerMaximum *
100) As [Remaining %], tblCustDevPrinter.Tonername,
From tblCustDevices Inner Join
tsysDevicetypes On tsysDevicetypes.ItemType = tblCustDevices.Devicetype
Inner Join
tblCustDevPrinter On tblCustDevPrinter.DeviceKey = tblCustDevices.DeviceKey
Where tblCustDevices.Displayname <> 'YourCopier' And
Floor(tblCustDevPrinter.TonerRemaining / tblCustDevPrinter.TonerMaximum *
100) <= 10 And tblCustDevices.State = 1 And tblCustDevPrinter.TonerMaximum > 0
Order By Floor(tblCustDevPrinter.TonerRemaining / tblCustDevPrinter.TonerMaximum
* 100)


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