I curent have Active Scanning disabled thinking that this might be the cause.
6/16/2010 1:54:10 PM: Starting up service, port 9524, 20 computer threads, 10 IP threads
6/16/2010 1:54:10 PM: Premium version
6/16/2010 1:54:21 PM: AD cleanup domain The specified domain does not exist or cannot be contacted.
6/16/2010 1:54:36 PM: AD cleanup %USERDOMAIN% The specified domain does not exist or cannot be contacted.
6/16/2010 1:54:40 PM: AD cleanup CANCAN01 The specified domain does not exist or cannot be contacted.
6/16/2010 1:54:45 PM: AD cleanup CANCRTEMP The specified domain does not exist or cannot be contacted.
6/16/2010 1:54:49 PM: AD cleanup CAND630 The specified domain does not exist or cannot be contacted.
6/16/2010 1:54:54 PM: AD cleanup CANDISPLAY01 The specified domain does not exist or cannot be contacted.
6/16/2010 1:54:58 PM: AD cleanup CANLOANER04 The specified domain does not exist or cannot be contacted.
6/16/2010 1:55:03 PM: AD cleanup CANLOANER05 The specified domain does not exist or cannot be contacted.
6/16/2010 1:55:07 PM: AD cleanup CANLOANER06 The specified domain does not exist or cannot be contacted.