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Engaged Sweeper

after I configured the default domain policy following the instructions of Microsoft, I can't get any PC on lansweeper's dashboard.
What I did was create an script called inventario.vbs, setup it as user logon script, and then put it on the path you can say on the image2 (togheter with LSclient.exe)

But I have several doubts:

1. In which GUID should I put the .vbs file. Because under the path "policies" I have several ones, and I actually are using the GUID that show me the window (I´m configuring it using Terminal Server)??? (you can see the several GUID below, in the last image)

2. Is it necesary to put also LSClient.exe in the same folder as the vbs file?? I also have LSCLient in the netlogon folder of my DC.

So, what I'm doing wrong?

Thank you very much.
Engaged Sweeper

I have fixed the problem with the vbs file. The problem were the uppercase and undercase of the variables in the script.
Thank you for your help.
Lansweeper Alumni
Surely there must be an error somewhere in your GPO vbs files.

I always recommend using a "normal" startup script instead of a GPO.

a normal startup script runs in the context of the logged on user, this allows tracking of the logons.
a gpo runs as the system user.
Engaged Sweeper II
I'm having the same issue. I've created a vbs script and configured the GPO so that the script should run when the user logs on a machine. This doesn't work as none of the computers report back to the server. If I run the script manually after the user logs on (by browsing to the DC's policies) everything works just fine and the computer reports back to the lansweeper server. I also have the "Maximum wait time for Group Policy scripts" set to 120 seconds and "Run logon scripts synchronously" set to enabled in the GPO. Is there a solution to this issue?
Engaged Sweeper
Argie, I ditched the idea of using a seperate .vbs file for use with my logon script after I couldn't get it to work.

My login scripts are written in kix. So in my default user policy GPO I have a logon script "logon.kix" which includes the line (SHELL @LSERVER+"\NETLOGON\lsclient.exe myserver")

The lsclient.exe is located in the netlogon folders on my DC's

Lansweeper Alumni
Could you also post the contents of your vbs file please.
Engaged Sweeper

I'm Argie. The same person who has writed the post above. This is just for to say that I will appreciate a little help with my problem.
I'm thinking on but the premium software, but I can't do it if I can't deploit it using gpo 😞

Thank you!


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