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Engaged Sweeper
I followed the instructions here

But I get:

SQL Error: Cannot connect to database.</br>The database file may be corrupted. Run the repair utility to check the database file. [ Database name = C:\Program Files (x86)\Lansweeper\SQLDATA\lansweeperdb.sdf ]</br></br><b><u>If you receive this message after upgrading, the database upgrade is most likely still in progress, Please wait!</u></b>

The DB is not corrupt as it is still running on my previous instance just fine and I have tried re-copying it.

I checked Lansweeperservice.exe.cong and the web.config, but the db is going in the same place using SQL Compact, so they should be fine.

I also cannot do
Execute the below script in your Lansweeper configuration console under Lansweeper/Database Scripts.
Replace “newserver” with the name of your new scanning server.
update tsysasservers set servername='newserver'
update tblassets set scanserver='newserver'

Because I cannot get Lansweeper to pull up in a browser...

Any ideas?
Engaged Sweeper

I stopped the IIS Express service, redid the process and everything is working perfectly now!

I love easy fixes...
Lansweeper Alumni
Make sure you stop both the Lansweeper service and whichever web server you are using before you copy your backup file to Program Files (x86)\Lansweeper\SQLData. If the web server service isn't stopped as you restore the backup, this may lead to database corruption. (We still need to make a note about this in our knowledge base.)


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