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Engaged Sweeper
Hello, I've some problem with my lansweeper.
All of my office computers are joined on Windows Server 2003 Domain Controller. I've add my domain administrator to Scanning Credentials.

Problem 1
why all of my devce detected as undefined in IP location overview?

Problem 2
why some computers in same domain not listed in scanned device? But in OCS inventory the computer is listed. And How to make all computer in my domain full listed in scanned device?

Problem 3
Am i must login as my domain administrator on my windows to run the basic action like Shutdown, reboot or Uninstall software?

Problem 4
Why some computers is detected as NAS?

Problem 5
And how to resolve this

Problem 6
Can i grouping the computer? for example i want to group computer 1 until computer 29 in Hardware section, and computer 30 until 35 to other section.

Lansweeper Alumni
Please contact us at for this problem.
Engaged Sweeper
I've a problem to configure IIS with login in lansweeper. I've change ip address to my lansweeper IP, and set A directory located on this computer to c:\Program Files\Lansweeper\Website

but if i started the IIS, it will show page not found

but if i stopped the IIS, it will show lansweeper page

What's wrong with my configuration?
Lansweeper Alumni
You only need to apply the instructions for IIS.
Engaged Sweeper
how i can make login page to access lansweeper web console? i'm trying to follow the instruction from here, but i still confused, because i used IIS full not IIS express.
Lansweeper Alumni
In the configuration tool click on your scanning server: "scanning and cleanup options"
Lansweeper Alumni
If you buy 4.2 now, Lansweeper 5.0 (and all other major versions) are included in your purchase.

and how about size of the database? is it grow periodically or the size just grow if lansweeper find scanned device?

It grows if new data is found (devices, software, eventlogs, ...)
You can configure the cleanup actions to delete old data and obsolete devices.
Lansweeper wrote:
It grows if new data is found (devices, software, eventlogs, ...)
You can configure the cleanup actions to delete old data and obsolete devices.

Can you specify where is cleanup action?
Engaged Sweeper
if i buy lansweeper 4.2 now, how about lansweeper 5 release version? can i upgrade it for free or i must buy the license again?

how about size of the database? is it grow periodically or the size just grow if lansweeper find scanned device?

Lansweeper Alumni
We've replaced your embedded images with links, as the images were breaking forum formatting.

Chronologie wrote:
why all of my devce detected as undefined in IP location overview?

This is not an error message. Your IP Location Overview lists the IP ranges you’ve assigned a name to. For instance, you can call the – range “Location A” and “Location A” will then be listed in your IP Location Overview. This allows you to easily click through to the machines in that range. IP locations can be configured in the Lansweeper configuration console under Configuration\IP Range Locations.

If you have not defined any IP locations, all machines are listed under Undefined. More info on IP locations can be found on page 54 of our online documentation.

Chronologie wrote:
why some computers in same domain not listed in scanned device?

Which scanning method(s) are you using: Active Scanning, IP Range Scanning, Scheduled Scanning and/or LsPush?

Chronologie wrote:
Am i must login as my domain administrator on my windows to run the basic action like Shutdown, reboot or Uninstall software?

The error you are seeing indicates that the action executable cannot be found. Could you please check which action path is listed in the Lansweeper configuration console under Configuration\Custom Actions\Computer Actions. This is where the web console tries to locate the executables.

Chronologie wrote:
Why some computers is detected as NAS?

Computers may be detected as devices if port 135 is closed. The device shown in your screenshot hasn't been rescanned in a while however. Was a correct "computer" entry generated for this machine as well? If so, port 135 appears to have been (re)opened and you can simply delete the faulty device entry. Select it in the Lansweeper configuration console under Lansweeper\Scanned Devices and hit the Delete button.

Chronologie wrote:
And how to resolve this

"Access is denied" generally means that the scanning credential you've submitted (mjt\mojoadmin2) does not have administrative privileges on the client machine. You can update your scanning credential in the Lansweeper configuration console under Scanning Options\Scanning Credentials.

Another option is that you scan the machine locally using LsPush instead. More info on LsPush can be found on page 32 and beyond of our online documentation.

Chronologie wrote:
Can i grouping the computer? for example i want to group computer 1 until computer 29 in Hardware section, and computer 30 until 35 to other section.

In Lansweeper 4.2, you can only create IP locations. You cannot create custom groups. The ability to create custom groups was added in Lansweeper 5.0, which is currently in beta. A download link and more info on the beta can be found here.


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