Hican you tell me, where i can find out the size of the lansweeper database, and if its possible to move the database to diffrent partition?My C:\ is full, and nothing i do to free up space, lasts any lenght of time.i have a 2nd partition, that has 2...
We currently do a manual hardware compliance check on all our systems. By this i mean we check to see if our Windows builds are compliant with a standard we have. It is also repeated every 6 months for auditors.Most of this info is gathered by lanswe...
As an example, you have a report for Windows Internet Explorer 8. When I look at it, I see 91 systems (all my XP pcs and some servers (I suspect 2003)). You omit IE 8 that is part of Vista and Windows 7 and Server 2008. So the count is NOT accurate...
Does the "manual" upgrade of the database work any quicker than the script as part of the insall / upgrade of LS4?I can see from previous posts that if you have a large database (ours is 1.5Gb and around 5500 computers) then it is likely to take hour...
Hello,I have a weird behaviour when I search for something on the website:It only displays 100 items regardless what I search for.(so it cuts all results to 100 items not more)I recently upgraded to version.Is there something wrong with my s...
What is the best way to create a report for all laptop computers in the domain. I know there is one pre-configured on the web site, but it doesn't have all the information I need, and in the Report Builder I cannot find that report. Thank you, Tim