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Engaged Sweeper

Downloaded and installed Lansweeper 3 yesterday and I'm liking it very much so far. I do have one question... it seems that none of my computers (just over 40 so far) list their actual NIC under Configuration Browser/Hardware/Network - only all other network connection interfaces (such as Windows Mobile devices, RAS, Infrared and Wireless LAN - when not in use!). Am I missing something here or isn't the "current connection NIC" captured?

Also, I would really like to see the MAC-adresses for network cards and be able to call that in custom scripts, for wake-on-lan functionality.

Thanks in advance, and thanks for a great product!

Engaged Sweeper III
great thanks for the quick reply
Lansweeper Alumni
You need te edit the database view "web30hwnetwork" and add the field "macaddress".
Engaged Sweeper III
What file do we need to edit to display the mac adres of a netwerkcard in the table on the website ?

Lansweeper Alumni
No, support for macaddress in the actions is not supported in the current version.
It would also be difficult because the system can have multiple mac addresses.
Engaged Sweeper
Found it - thank you! Now to see if I can modify it with my limited SQL knowledge... 🙂

Yet another little question: Can I refer to the MAC-address when creating custom actions, just like {computer} can be called?

Very impressed with the program so far!

Lansweeper Alumni
My error, it's a stored procedure instead of a view.
Engaged Sweeper
I can't see it under Lansweeper\Views (I have 126 views there in total according to SQL Management Studio). I installed Lansweeper on a 'real' SQL Server 2005, if that has anything to do with it, though the view obviously works since I can see it in the web interface.

(I'm beginning to fear that this will turn out to be very embarrassing for me... like I'm missing something very obvious)
Lansweeper Alumni
view : web30hwnetwork
Engaged Sweeper
Much appreciate it - thanks!

Another quick question - do you remember offhand what the view in the screenshot above is called? I can't seem find it...



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