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Engaged Sweeper II
Hi all,

First, i wanna congratulate you guys for this wonderful tool i'm about to use !
I was used to OCS Inventory who was really cool, but the author seems to be busy those last monthes...
I have one question : i have 300 hundreds computers on 15 locations connected to my data center with slow link @ 64/128 kbits/s ... Will LanSweeper is ok with this kinda of configuration ?
About my little issue for the first use of LanSweeper, i have two strange things :
1)When i start my lsconsole.exe, i can find in my log the following thing :
28/02/2005 14:14:21 The ConnectionString property has not been initialized, and i can't see lsconsole.exe in my task manager...
2)When i try to call my lsclient.exe from my netlogon directory, i have : connecting to @ip:failed ???

Everything else (web console too) seems to be ok !

Can u help me guys ,
Many thanks in advence


Lansweeper Alumni
I use lansweeper in a network with 800 pc's located in 15 different sites. (some sites only have a link of 64kbit)
For some items (like special hardware) you have to set your waittime (in table TsysWaittime) long enough

Only the first scan will take some time (because everything is scanned for all computers)
Engaged Sweeper II
Ok !

Now, it's awwwwwwwwwright !
I did a mistake on the config file !
Many thanks for the reactivity !!


Engaged Sweeper
This look like your Web.Config file for the Console.

Here's my LSConsole.exe.config (located in the same directory as the LSConsole.exe):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<add key="ConnectionString" value="integrated security=SSPI;data source=&quot;;;persist security info=False;initial catalog=Lansweeper" />
<add key="ConcurrentThreads" value="10" />

It is using Windows Integrated security.

Regarding your other question, I did some testing today on our WAN. The initial transfer from a client was about 1.5MB. This may vary depending of the information that has to be transfered.
It is spanned into multiple queries from the server. I did not see any noticeable effect so far (Note thet I'm using T1). I will continue my testing tomorrow.
Engaged Sweeper II
i think i did it, here u are my config file :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<add key="MM_CONNECTION_STRING_Lansweeper" value="Persist Security Info=False;Data Source=;Initial Catalog=Lansweeper;User ID=***;Password=***" />
<add key="MM_CONNECTION_DATABASETYPE_Lansweeper" value="SQLServer" />
<add key="MM_CONNECTION_SCHEMA_Lansweeper" value="" />
<add key="MM_CONNECTION_CATALOG_Lansweeper" value="" />

What is wrong ?
Engaged Sweeper
Did you setup your LSConsole.exe.config to point to your database as mentionned in the documentation?


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