I agree. This is very nice software. I discovered it a year or so ago and because what I had was still sort of working, I left it alone. But it's getting old and having trouble with newer processor detection and such, so it was time. LanSweeper installed easily on the server, and the client audit seems easy too. I had some issues getting the web console running. Apparently, NETWORK SERVICE needed rights to the base directory under which the virtual directory was installed. I'm sure that was misconfiguration on my part anyway, but there was no indication anywhere of what the actual problem was. Still, all is running and looking great now.
So, what I'm missing is reports. I can write them myself, but I see that at least some will be included with 3.0 when that is "done".
Everyone here should realize that this is free software and subject to whatever time the author has to work on it. However, it would be nice to have some kind of estimate now that the preview of 3.0 is shown on the web site. Do we expect that it might be done this year? Or is there still a lot of work to be done, so we shouldn't expect anything until next year?