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Engaged Sweeper II

I would like to know more about Recent software changes link

1. Can we generate this as a report daily manually
2. Can we include time in this report
3. is it possible to mail the recent software changes daily as mail at prescribed time or daily at midnight
4. How long this is maintained

Lansweeper Alumni
Action 1: added
Action 2: Removed

Select tblComputers.Computername, tblComputers.ComputerUnique,
tblSoftwareHist.softwareName, tblSoftwareHist.softwareVersion,
tblSoftwareHist.SoftwarePublisher, tblSoftwareHist.Installdate,
tblSoftwareHist.Action, tblSoftwareHist.Lastchanged
From tblComputers Inner Join
tblSoftwareHist On tblComputers.Computername = tblSoftwareHist.ComputerName
Where tblSoftwareHist.Lastchanged > GetDate() - 1
Order By tblSoftwareHist.softwareName
Engaged Sweeper II
Can you please give one sample report format
I would like to generate a report what softwares are installed from today morning 00:01 hrs to 23.59 Hrs daily
and would like to have the computername, what software added or removed and at what date, time .
This report once done i would make a automailer daily.
Kindly help
Lansweeper Alumni
1) yes, you need table tblsoftwarehist
2) check out field "installdate" (it is only filled if the publisher's installer supports it)
3) yes
4) check out the configuration page: "delete history from all tables every x days"


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