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Engaged Sweeper III
When trying to use the Remote Control feature, on most of my systems it will add a random character to the end of the computer's name. Sometime letters, sometimes special characters, but there are few systems that it doesn't do this to, and it seems to be doing it more and more as time goes on. At first, only handful of systems were affected, so I didn't think much of it. Now, its affecting most (based off a random sampling of 10).

Where it says VMI8x, it should just be VMI8. Is this a bug, or is something else going on?
Engaged Sweeper II
I see the same issue on the LanSweeper Scanning Web Page but not on the Remote Control.

On the scanning page, all the machines on from the Active Directory Active Scan have a backslash<number> appened as a suffix.

Doesn't appear to cause any problems.

Lansweeper Alumni
Dogeron wrote:

On the scanning page, all the machines on from the Active Directory Active Scan have a backslash<number> appened as a suffix.

Can you send a screenshot of this please to support@lansweeper.com, this seems to be an unrelated problem.
Engaged Sweeper III
Further testing shows that it seems to only affect Google Chrome.

Tested in Chrome 12, FireFox 5, and IE9(which complains about Lansweepers security settings).
Engaged Sweeper III
javascript:runApp('NETTOOLS\\lansweeper$\\lsremote VMI8', 'true');
Lansweeper Alumni
This is not a known problem.
can you check the javascript link when you click the action.


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