copy-paste of the above report isn't being accepted for us. It is removing the "tblassets" reference on the 5th last line. using LSv5, db is SQL server
ghelpdesk wrote: copy-paste of the above report isn't being accepted for us. It is removing the "tblassets" reference on the 5th last line. using LSv5, db is SQL server
Please contact us by e-mail for this problem. Are you on the latest version?
Select Top 1000000 tsysAssetTypes.AssetTypeIcon10 As icon, tblAssets.AssetID, tblAssets.AssetName, tsysAssetTypes.AssetTypename As AssetType, tblAssets.IPAddress, tblAssets.Firstseen, tblAssets.Lastseen, tblSNMPInfo.IfIndex As [If], tblSNMPInfo.IfDescription As Name, tblSNMPIfTypes.IfTypename As Type, tblSNMPInfo.IfAdminstatus As Admin, tblSNMPInfo.IfMTU As MTU, Ceiling(tblSNMPInfo.IfSpeed / 1000 / 1000) As Speed, tblSNMPInfo.IfIPAddress As IP, tblSNMPInfo.IfMask As Mask, tblSNMPInfo.IfMacaddress As MAC, tblAssets1.AssetName As Asset From tblAssets Inner Join tsysAssetTypes On tsysAssetTypes.AssetType = tblAssets.Assettype Inner Join tblSNMPInfo On tblAssets.AssetID = tblSNMPInfo.AssetID Inner Join tblSNMPIfTypes On tblSNMPIfTypes.IfType = tblSNMPInfo.IfType Left Join tblSNMPAssetMac On tblSNMPAssetMac.AssetID = tblSNMPInfo.AssetID And tblSNMPAssetMac.IfIndex = tblSNMPInfo.IfIndex Left Join tblAssetMacAddress On tblAssetMacAddress.Mac = tblSNMPAssetMac.AssetMacAddress Left Join tblAssets tblAssets1 On tblAssets1.AssetID = tblAssetMacAddress.AssetID Where tsysAssetTypes.AssetTypename = 'switch' Order By tblAssets.IPNumeric, tblSNMPInfo.IfIndex
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