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Engaged Sweeper II
I have about 400 non-domain joined machines. They're not part of our physical network and don't have VPN access.

I am going to assume I need to have these folks manually install the software locally. Is this correct?

How does Lansweeper "report" back to the server?
Do I need Domain access or does this respond back without using a domain ID and password?
Since these don't have a physical connection to our network, do I need to make sure all of these machines VPN in if my Lansweeper server does not live in the DMZ?

thanks in advance.

Lansweeper Alumni
If there are no TCP/IP or VPN connections between your various sites, then each site will need its own Lansweeper installation consisting of a database, service and website. Each installation will be self-contained.

If there are TCP/IP or VPN connections between your sites, you can (with the Enterprise license) add additional scanning servers at each site, which will report back to your central database.


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