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Engaged Sweeper II

We recently started setting up Lansweeper to do all our software and hardware auditing. So far things are going very well but not I have run into a problem with some Windows servers that are not being recognised as servers but as devices.

From what we can see, port 135 is open and I can telnet on port 135 from the lansweeper server to the target server.

I think part of the problem is that the lansweeper server is part of domain "mydomain.int" but the target server is part of domain "mydomain.asp". So they are separate, untrusted domains, but with the same netbios name. So in the scanning config I've added "mydomain.asp" to the domain list, but it is probably trying to use the alternate account for the "mydomain.int" domain to scan, which won't work.

Any suggestions on what I need to check or what else I need to configure to get this working?

Lansweeper Alumni
Sven Oberg wrote:
So in the scanning config I've added "mydomain.asp" to the domain list, but it is probably trying to use the alternate account for the "mydomain.int" domain to scan, which won't work.

That is correct. Currently, you can only scan domains with the same NetBIOS if the username/password combination for both domains is the same.

This issue will be addressed in Lansweeper version 5.0, which will allow you to submit multiple credentials per domain NetBIOS. Lansweeper 5.0 is currently in development, but we do not yet have a release date for it. Anyone with an active subscription is guaranteed access to updates as soon as they become available.


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