Hello, I'm new to LS and I'm discovering all of the handy tools and features it provides. Interestingly it allows us to embed our own custom scripts into use and I'd like to know what everyone else has come up with. Obviously there might be actions that are 'Business/Environment' only but i'd be nice if we could share custom actions with each other that could assist us in our day to day.
I'll start, I've got one basic action that provides User Account Stats. If the account is locked, when the password was last reset and how long left until the password expires. I'm pretty sure I grabbed it from this site but here I've attached the script. This is setup on the User Page. Just rename it to be ".vbs"
I've got an Asset Page action to delete local user profile using DelProf2.exe.
{actionpath}delprof2.exe /u /i /c:\\{computer} /d:60 - deletes anything in-active older than 60 days.