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Engaged Sweeper

When sorting a view by OSInstallDate, the view doesn't get sorted by date. Any idea why?
Select Top 1000000 dbo.tblComputers.Computer As Hostname, dbo.tblComputers.Username, tblComputerSystemProduct.Name As Model, Web40OSName.OSname As [OS Version], Web40OSName.SP As [Service Pack], dbo.tblBIOS.SMBIOSBIOSVersion As [BIOS Version], dbo.tblComputers.LastknownIP As [Last Known IP], tblOperatingsystem.InstallDate As [OS Install Date], dbo.tblComputers.LastActiveScan As [Last Seen] From dbo.tblComputers Inner Join dbo.tblBIOS On dbo.tblComputers.Computername = dbo.tblBIOS.Computername Inner Join tblComputerSystemProduct On dbo.tblComputers.Computername = tblComputerSystemProduct.Computername Inner Join tblOperatingsystem On dbo.tblComputers.Computername = tblOperatingsystem.Computername Inner Join Web40OSName On Web40OSName.Computername = dbo.tblComputers.Computername Order By dbo.tblComputers.Username
Lansweeper Alumni
You can edit your report so it sorts the date in the SQL
Engaged Sweeper
Yes, in the web console for Version 4. I wish it worked so I can offer users with old OS a refresh of their sluggish computers.

Lansweeper Alumni
Do you mean in the web console for version 4.0?

The sorting only works on dates without the time information attached and only for a defined list of names:
"lastseen", "last scanned", "last changed", "last seen","lastchanged", "lastscanned","purchasedate", "warrantydate", "warranty date", "purchase date", "lastpatched","lastfullbackup","lastfullimage", "warranty expiration"


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