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Engaged Sweeper II
This action allows you to shutdown the spooler service, delete all files which should be printed and restart the service. It's usefull if the printer has paper jam and the user calls you with the comment 'My printer speeks only egyptian and uses a lot of pages' 🙂

{actionpath}killspooler.cmd {smartname}

You have to put the killspooler.cmd in your actionpath, also the psservice.exe (see Microsoft SysInternals)

@echo off

if "%1"=="" goto Hilfe
if "%1"=="/?" goto Hilfe
if "%1"=="-?" goto Hilfe
if "%1"=="-h" goto Hilfe
if "%1"=="--h" goto Hilfe
if "%1"=="-help" goto Hilfe
if "%1"=="--help" goto Hilfe

set PSPATH=\\put\your\actionpath\here
set PC=%1

%PSPATH%\psservice.exe \\%PC% stop spooler
del \\%PC%\admin$\system32\spool\PRINTERS\*.* /Q
%PSPATH%\psservice.exe \\%PC% start spooler

goto Ende

echo Dieses Skript leert die Druckerwarteschlange auf entfernten PC's
echo Bsp.: killspooler idv-2254



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