We noticed an error called "Not Seen in Last 30 Days" for a system which is actually Login everyday by the User. Then after we installed LSPush into the machine. Even we are getting the same error message. For futher clarification please check the attachment. Kindly awaiting for yourreply.
Could you please forward the requested information to support@lansweeper.com so we can take a look at the problem. We cannot know what the cause of the scanning error is until we see the error message. We will start troubleshooting with one machine.
So, can we have any solution for this. Because we are having huge count of machines under this error which is in turn not possible to check the client configuration for all systems.
The machine has a scanning error. Could you contact us at support@lansweeper.com and provide us with the following: - For easy reference, a link to this forum thread. - A screenshot of the Errors tab of the machine's Lansweeper webpage.
There is nothing attached to your post. Could you please reattach. If a computer has not been "seen" in the last 30 days, that means it hasn't been scanned in the last 30 days. Most likely there is an issue with either your scanning setup or the client machine's configuration.