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Engaged Sweeper
Another problem. Info window does not fit in the frame on the page. Ugly.
Lansweeper Alumni
I suggest replacing all commas by ", " comma/space, this will make the long OU's wrap.
Engaged Sweeper
Could offer us the option of displaying X # of characters for these long OU strings (and perhaps any others), wrap them in a span, and set the span's title to the complete string? I would guess that most often, the first characters would be the most important to distinguish each of the OUs - probably don't need the full OU path when viewing - and can always save as Excel/CSV to get it all, say for printing.

<td><span title="full OU string">First 20 chars of OU string...</span></td>
Lansweeper Alumni
Normally it breaks a line after a space but there are no spaces in your OU.
How many characters is your longest OU?
Engaged Sweeper
Lansweeper wrote:
Normally it breaks a line after a space but there are no spaces in your OU.
How many characters is your longest OU?

48 characters


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