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Champion Sweeper
I have about 200 computers. But about 20 of those still give me the following errors:

The RPC server is unavailable 0x800706BA
Cannot connect to DCOM port 135 : Firewalled?

Now, I turned OFF the firewall altogether on all of these PCs, ran the script from the troubleshooting page, double checked DNS, and no matter what I do, it still won't scan them. Port 135 should be wide open, and we can remote administer all systems, access C$, even use a remote command prompt. WMI, DCOM, and RPC is running.

What else could be broken on these systems to cause this? What else should I try?
Champion Sweeper
Thanks for your help. I have some DNS problems on a few. Will check into this some more and get back to you if needed. 🙂
Lansweeper Alumni
Are you sure the IP address resolves to the correct computer?
Are you able to telnet to port 135 from the server to the client.