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‎12-16-2009 06:12 PM
FYI: Lansweeper 5.0 which is currently in beta will have this feature build-in for Dell, HP, Lenovo
<add key="DellWarrantyURL" value="http://xserv.dell.com/services/assetservice.asmx"/>
Usage: UpdateDellWarrantyInfo [options] [-verbose]
Will update the warranty information for all Dell computers in the Lansweeper
Will update the warranty information only for the Dell computers that have
empty warranty and purchase dates in the Lansweeper database.
-assetTag <assetTag>
Will update the warranty information for a single Dell computer based on the
asset tag. Must provide a single asset tag.
-computer <computerName>
Will update the warranty information for a single Dell computer based on the
computer name. Must provide a single computer name.
Print troubleshooting information to the console.
Will display this screen.
NOTE: If no options are provided, will update all Dell computers.
‎01-15-2010 11:07 AM
‎01-15-2010 04:58 PM
Tomdm wrote:
after some time 1.6.1 sill gave me a date format error, i was a bit too fast to say that all problems were solved, however 1.6.2beta seems to have processed already more then 100 PCs without problems at the moment. So for me the problems seems to be gone
‎01-15-2010 10:51 AM
‎01-14-2010 05:59 PM
‎01-14-2010 05:34 PM
‎01-14-2010 06:25 PM
Martin wrote:
14/01/2010 15:29:52*SQL:begin tran;update dbo.tblCompCustom with (serializable) set PurchaseDate=CONVERT(DATETIME,'28/11/2007',102), Warrantydate=CONVERT(DATETIME,'28/11/2010',102) where computername = '36CP93J';if @@rowcount = 0 begin insert into dbo.tblCompCustom (Computername, PurchaseDate, Warrantydate) values ('36CP93J','28/11/2007','28/11/2010') end;commit tran;
‎01-14-2010 04:31 PM
‎01-14-2010 10:28 AM
‎01-13-2010 05:15 PM
‎01-13-2010 04:37 PM
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