12-16-2009 06:12 PM
FYI: Lansweeper 5.0 which is currently in beta will have this feature build-in for Dell, HP, Lenovo
<add key="DellWarrantyURL" value="http://xserv.dell.com/services/assetservice.asmx"/>
Usage: UpdateDellWarrantyInfo [options] [-verbose]
Will update the warranty information for all Dell computers in the Lansweeper
Will update the warranty information only for the Dell computers that have
empty warranty and purchase dates in the Lansweeper database.
-assetTag <assetTag>
Will update the warranty information for a single Dell computer based on the
asset tag. Must provide a single asset tag.
-computer <computerName>
Will update the warranty information for a single Dell computer based on the
computer name. Must provide a single computer name.
Print troubleshooting information to the console.
Will display this screen.
NOTE: If no options are provided, will update all Dell computers.
03-21-2012 02:40 PM
03-21-2012 03:25 PM
Corbett wrote:
I rewrote the UpdateDellWarrantyInfo utility so it now uses Dell's web service rather than the support site. The download is attached to the first post of this thread.
Please note that I had to change the config file to store a reference to the web service.
03-21-2012 03:35 PM
dteague wrote:
Tried and am not get it to work...
Windows 7 (My Client)
The application has failed to start because its side-by-side configuration is in
correct. Please see the application event log or use the command-line sxstrace.e
xe tool for more detail.
Windows 2003 (LanSweeper server)
The system cannot execute the specified program.
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
03-21-2012 06:15 PM
Corbett wrote:
Were you successfully running the old version of the utility? It requires .NET Framework 3.5. Do you have that already?
I also noticed that if you don't first edit the .config file with the correct SQL Server connection information you'll get an error that says "This application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem."
03-21-2012 06:49 PM
dteague wrote:
Yeah, the old one was working fine. I just checked, and .NET 3.5 SP1 (as well as 4.0) is installed.
<add key="connectionString" value="Data Source=SERVER;Initial Catalog=LSDB;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=SQLUSER;Password=SQLPASSWORD;Connection Timeout=400" />substituting the appropriate settings from your environment for the bold portions.
03-22-2012 03:41 PM
Corbett wrote:<add key="connectionString" value="Data Source=SERVER;Initial Catalog=LSDB;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=SQLUSER;Password=SQLPASSWORD;Connection Timeout=400" />substituting the appropriate settings from your environment for the bold portions.
If that doesn't solve it, look in the Application event log for clues.
03-08-2012 05:19 PM
03-05-2012 06:11 PM
The term 'Invoke-Sqlcmd' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script fil
e, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verif
y that the path is correct and try again.
At C:\Downloads\dell.ps1:16 char:24
+ $SQLQry = Invoke-Sqlcmd <<<< -SuppressProviderContextWarning -ServerInstance $SQLSVR
-Database $DB -Username $User -Password $Pwd -Query $Query
+ CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (Invoke-Sqlcmd:String) [], CommandNotFoun
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException
03-07-2012 03:49 PM
03-09-2012 04:37 PM
synergisadmin wrote:
I believe you have to download the SQL 2008 R2 Management pack and then the Feature Pack for PowerShell.
http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?displaylang=en&id=16978 (Search on Power Shell and Management Tools for 2008 on that webpage)
EDIT - Confirmed you need
1) Shared Management Tool (for 2008)
2) PowerShellTools for SQL
Both can be found via the link above.
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