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Engaged Sweeper
action path is \\ls_servername\lansweeper$

remote control (p)= {actionpath}lsremote {computer}
Trigger scan (p)= cmd.exe /K {actionpath}lstrigger.exe {scanserver} {computer} {domain}
Take screenshot (P)={actionpath}screengrab.exe {computer}

I didn't change any configs, just copied in the newer versions of the premium tools...

I had posted that it didn't work for win 7 computers, but now I find it doesn't work for any pc's

It doesn't give any error, it pops up a window that asks "Do you want to run: '\\ls_servername\lansweeper$\lsremote computername', I click OK, it gives the ActiveX prompt, and I click Yes and then nothing happens

If I run the tool by clicking on the lsremote.exe then it runs, but gets stuck on checking port 5900 (for the win 7 pcs) for the xp, it gives rpc error, though within lansweeper the pc doesn't report an rpc error status
Engaged Sweeper
well, yep, seems my share was not working right either. I was able to recreate it and it seems like the premium tools are now working well........no idea what happened to the share *shrug* I guess alls well that ends well

I still don't have some of my commands working right, but then again, since I took over administration, I can't really see they ever worked...guess I have me a rainy day project
Lansweeper Alumni
can you verify if the share "lansweeper$" exists and is pointing to the actions folder on your server.
Engaged Sweeper
that's the problem, there is no error, it just doesn't run.

If I run the lsremote.exe from the server directly and enter the pc name, it tells me the RPC is unavailable, but if I run it from within lansweeper web, it just doesn't run, it asks for the activex prompt, and then nothing else happens....is there somewhere I can go to look up the error and see what is happening?

I just ran the test connect from the server (double clicking exe on server) and it says the WMI for my test pc is fine.
I just ran the lansweeper.vbs on it as well

the syntax on hover is '\\\\lansweeperserver\\lansweeper$\\lsremote computername','true');

the regular actions work, I can get to the c drive, the mmc... it just seems to be the premium tools that stopped working, none of them will work.

I also ran the license just to make sure it wasn't a license issue, but with the same results as above
Engaged Sweeper
karon wrote:
that's the problem, there is no error, it just doesn't run.

the syntax on hover is '\\\\lansweeperserver\\lansweeper$\\lsremote computername','true');

I had somewhat the same issue and what I did is create another share \lansweeperserver\lantools copied all the tool into there redirected the share path on the configuration side and that seem to work for me.

Lansweeper Alumni
can you post the exact error for the windows xp please.
Engaged Sweeper
ok, seem to have figured out the win 7, it was the firewall on the pc side.
but the xp's I just ran the lansweeper.vbs from the pc and still cannot connect.
The xp pc's have firewall turned off and nothing has changed on the firewall, we have an exception configured for lansweeper server.
open ports for win 7

open ports on xp machine


what else do I need?