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Engaged Sweeper III
Is it possible to run a report to show users that haven't logged in for X amount of days?
Engaged Sweeper III
Yeah I already use this.

I was wanting a way to monitor potential leavers that we haven't been informed about. Lansweeper is useful for 'at a glance' checks which is why it would be great to do it through that.

I thought I was pushing it when I asked though, users aren't really 'assets' so I expected it wouldn't be quite so straight forward!
Engaged Sweeper III
for exact results the best solution is to query your ad directly, but then you can't export them. a year ago i found the following tool which querys the ad and is having a exportfunction:

AD Info Free Edition

hope this helps till there's a way to do it with LanSweeper 🙂

Edit: please message me if posting links to other tools is not permitted, just want to help 🙂
Lansweeper Alumni
The only way to do this would be to remove users that are no longer found in AD from your database. You can do this through the cleanup options listed under Configuration/Scanning Setup/Server Options.

Note that cleanup actions are performed when the Lansweeper service is started and subsequently every 24 hours. If you make any changes to your cleanup options and wish to apply them immediately, restart the Lansweeper service.
Engaged Sweeper III
That seems to be close to what i'm after...

Is it possible to only return results where the user is still found in AD?

Lansweeper is currently set to scan our user OU, i'd like to know about users that have potentially left (not logged in, in 30 days) but exclude those we've already removed.

Hope that makes sense.
Lansweeper Alumni
Please try the report below. It lists users that haven't been detected in the last 30 days. It would be best to scan using LsPush in a logon script or group policy, as user logons are only detected when a user is found to be logged onto a computer during a scan.
Select Top 1000000 tblCPlogoninfo.Username,
Max(tblCPlogoninfo.logontime) As LastLogon
From tblCPlogoninfo
Group By tblCPlogoninfo.Username,
Having Max(tblCPlogoninfo.logontime) < GetDate() - 30
Engaged Sweeper III
Version 5
Lansweeper Alumni
Which Lansweeper version are you using? 4.2 or 5.0?


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