Hi,With the monitor info that is captured from EDID, is it possible to include the manufacture week in the database? Manufacture date currently only shows Month/Year.The reason it would be useful is that some manufacturer serial numbers (eg: Philips)...
Hi all, I've try with success Lansweeper 3.5 and I update this morning to v4.0. In computer software Inventory for this computer , I've R-Studio , I Uninstall it on the computer. I lauch inventory with command line \\myged\Client\LSclient.exe myged...
I now have the Enterprise version of Lansweeper. I plan on installing the service on servers in each of our locations. What ports do I need to open on the firewalls between each location and the main Lansweeper server and database server? ThanksS...
We previously used the 3.x version. I have removed the program several times but it will not load properly. During the install several sql errors are present but it finishes. After the install the web console gives an error about improper credentials...
Do any have or anyone a list of Microsoft's pay software? or how can I inventory only the software wich has money cost? in the inventory there is software with no cost and software with cost, so for administrative purpose we need only the software wi...
Hi,I would like to know how do i can refresh the data on the software list on one terminal.when i uninstall any software the lansweeper continue with it on the list, the only way that i have find is to delete the terminal on the software and add it a...