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Engaged Sweeper
Hello All

None of my Out of Warranty reports are working. If I click any of them, I receive no results, however I know that there are several PCs/laptops that are out of warranty or approaching the end of warranty. If someone has answered this question, please point me to the post. We are a majority Dell shop, and I've verified out of warranty items on their site. HELP!!! Thanks in advance.
Engaged Sweeper
DOH!! Schoolboy error on my part, sorry!

Thanks for the swift response, much appreciated

Lansweeper Alumni
The report provided is for devices, not computers. Devices are printers, routers etc. For computers you should use the report "Workstation: Out of warranty in 30 days".
Engaged Sweeper
I'm having the same issue (this has just come to light as we populated the Warranty fields last week).

The SQL query is

Select Top 1000000 tsysDevicetypes.ItemTypeIcon10 As icon, tblCustDevices.Displayname As [Device name], tblCustDevices.Model As [Device Model], tblCustDevices.Vendor As [Device Vendor], tblCustDevices.Location, tblCustDevices.Ipaddress, tblCustDevices.LastSeen, tblCustDevices.DeviceKey, tblCustDevices.Warrantydate From tblCustDevices Inner Join tsysDevicetypes On tsysDevicetypes.ItemType = tblCustDevices.Devicetype Where (tblCustDevices.Warrantydate < GetDate() + 30 And tblCustDevices.Warrantydate > GetDate()) And tblCustDevices.State = 1 Order By tblCustDevices.Displayname

This is from the "Device: Out of warranty in 30 days" report.

Screenshot of custom fields page attached

Lansweeper Alumni
Please contact us at and provide us with the following:
- SQL code for the report you are trying to run.
- Screenshot of the Lansweeper webpage for one machine you believe should be included in the report. Please show us the "Custom fields" section of the page.


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