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Lansweeper Alumni

Microsoft Office provides several methods to prepare unattended installs of the Office suite. This package executes an installer in combination with an admin file which you can generate with the help of the OCT. To prepare this deployment:

  1. Obtain an Office installation medium (DVD, ISO-file)
  2. Mount the installation medium and copy the whole content of it to your Lansweeper package share under folder "\Installers\MS Office\".
  3. Open the "Installers" folder. Hold the Shift key while right-clicking the "MS Office" folder. Select "Open command window here".
  4. In the command prompt, type "setup.exe /admin". This will open the Office Customization Tool (OCT).
  5. Select the Office version to be configured.
  6. Set up your Office installation settings according to your requirements. Details on all possible configuration settings for Office 2013 can be found on this Microsoft page.
  7. Select "File" - "Save as". Store the MSP file in your package share under "\Installers\MS Office\adminfile.msp"
  8. Review and test the deployment package.
Engaged Sweeper II
Florian_Eigsi wrote:
So then when does your uninstall of 2010 take place?

So the commands actually refer to an xml file located in the package share that uninstalls the programs?

And where is the command to install office 2016, at what point does it happen?
Engaged Sweeper III
Kkadysh wrote:
Florian_Eigsi wrote:
So then when does your uninstall of 2010 take place?

So the commands actually refer to an xml file located in the package share that uninstalls the programs?

And where is the command to install office 2016, at what point does it happen?

Step 4

"{PackageShare}\Installers\MS Office\setup.exe" /adminfile "{PackageShare}\Installers\MS Office\adminfile.msp"

To make your own msp file, you have to execute setup.exe /admin to launch the Microsoft Office Customization Tool
Engaged Sweeper III
and the rest
Engaged Sweeper III
This is a good one. Good post.

We wrote a powershell script to do the dirty work for the most part. You will have to change the report location and some variables to where you 32 and 64 bit admin installs are.

Checks for 2016 already installed
Checks 32 or 64 bit architecture
Runs 32 or 64 bit
Rescans computer

We have pre-built dynamic groups, schedules, etc ready to deploy. So when we are given the thumbs up, we check the boxes and pray. It's solid, and be aware sharepoint 2010 easily corrupts and some residual junk doesn't uninstall all the time.

Hope it helps. Rename to .xml and .ps1

It was a quick build due to time frame constraints on another project
Engaged Sweeper II
Lakatta wrote:
This is a good one. Good post.

We wrote a powershell script to do the dirty work for the most part. You will have to change the report location and some variables to where you 32 and 64 bit admin installs are.

Checks for 2016 already installed
Checks 32 or 64 bit architecture
Runs 32 or 64 bit
Rescans computer

We have pre-built dynamic groups, schedules, etc ready to deploy. So when we are given the thumbs up, we check the boxes and pray. It's solid, and be aware sharepoint 2010 easily corrupts and some residual junk doesn't uninstall all the time.

Hope it helps. Rename to .xml and .ps1

It was a quick build due to time frame constraints on another project


I do not understand the ps script txt file.

Do the XML files need to be local on every machine?

it's not possible to put them on the lansweeper share and use them from there?

What does the command out-file \\networkshare\$env:computername.txt -append refers to, does it copy something to each computer from a netowork share?

It seems like a good script but I don't understand many parts of it unfortunately and I do know some power shell.

When using the ODT tool, the installation gets stuck sometimes and times out so I was thinking that maybe your script my be a better solution.
Engaged Sweeper
I am trying to install MS Office 2013 package via Lansweeper. After credential verfied, the progress going on.. but not installing...can someone help me
Engaged Sweeper
Has anyone modified this to install Office 2016?
Engaged Sweeper II
Has anyone tried this with Office 365?
Engaged Sweeper III
fpd2dc wrote:
Has anyone tried this with Office 365?

I know this is older, but I created an installer guide for Office 365 ProPlus here:

Engaged Sweeper
Changed the script to install ms office only without checking for office 2010, works great 🙂 Thank you!

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