Don't know if this is the application your attempting to install.
To silently install the Workstation Client, do the following:1Connect to the machine where you want to install the Workstation Client software. 2Copy the Equitrac Office or Express client install files to the root folder of the C drive.3Open a command prompt and type the following:msiexec /i "c:\Equitrac.[Office].[Express].Client.x64.msi" CASNAME="yourcasname" LANGUAGE="lang" ADDLOCAL="options" /qn4Replace "yourcasname" with the name of the CAS server.5Replace "lang" with the correct language abbreviation:"en" – English"es" – Spanish"fr" – French"it" – Italian"de" – German"pt" – Portuguese6Replace the "options" variable with the components you have licensed or plan to use. Separate the options with a comma, and do not use spaces between the commas.