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Champion Sweeper III
If I have to send a machine in under warranty I have to give them the serial\model\sku. Wonder if the asset actions can do that with one click?
Champion Sweeper III
Managed to piece together a powershell script which does this:

$SKU = "Product Number: " + (gwmi -Namespace root\wmi -Class MS_SystemInformation).SystemSKU
$Serial = "Serial Number: " + (Get-WmiObject -computer $pcname -cl win32_BIOS).SerialNumber
$Model = "Model: " + (Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_ComputerSystem -ComputerName $pcname).Model
$Info = $Serial,$Model,$SKU
$Info | clip

I put it in the Action Path and added to Asset Actions:

powershell.exe -windowstyle hidden {actionpath}\CopyInfo.PS1 -pcname {computer}

I should mention this only works with the laptop turned on.

If anyone has a way to get this out of the lansweeper database, that would be awesome.

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