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Resolved! Email Reminders for Ticket Types

Does anyone know of a way to send out "ticket update" reminders?  For example, a ticket in a status of "on hold" is it possible to send an alert to the agent that owns it if it isn't updated within say 24 hours?

Tracking Warranty Replacements Records

Hi, Is there any effective way track warranty replacements records. I need to keep records of the date of warranty, replaced items, and their prices. I've been utilizing the custom field feature, but it's proving to be ineffective and unclear. Any re...

Exclude VPN discovered assets

Hi, We're just starting with setting up our Lansweeper scanning server and are still working in a test group. Although we are currently only scanning +- 60 devices with the LsAgent, i already have some unwanted results. When the  user works from home...

Cloud Lansweeper Azure SQL Managed Instance

Hi,Are there any plans to support Azure SQL Managed instance with Cloud Lansweeper? Our DB is currently on Azure SQL Managed instance, but we can't utilize the Cloud portion since it doesn't support Managed Instance. Is there an ETA for this capabili...

Alig26 by Engaged Sweeper II
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Resolved! Alerts for assets added via lsagent

I am in charge of our asset system and finally have all of our assets scanned via lsagent and updated with user information.  My fellow techs apparently find it difficult to edit an asset and add an owner and location.  Is it possible to setup an ale...

Resolved! "Default location" on cloud LanSweeper

Hi, On the cloud LanSweeper, I go to All Assets and I see an asset call "Default location". Is this considered and asset? Does it count as an asset? Can I remove it and will it come back?  

THUSER by Engaged Sweeper II
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