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Community Manager
Community Manager

Hello Community!

We hope you had a fantastic weekend. Here’s a look at what happened in July:

🎉July Highlights and Updates

A big thank you to everyone who participated in the Lansweeper SysAdmin Day Giveaway! We were thrilled with the fantastic submissions. Check out the winners and celebrate their achievements here: 🎉Happy SysAdmin Day! Congrats to Winners from Sys... - Lansweeper Community - 76002

🚀Product News 

💡Pro Tip of the Month

Consolidating Custom Fields: Learn how to effectively manage and consolidate your custom fields with this handy guide. Pro Tips #56: Consolidating Your Custom Fields - Lansweeper Community - 76064

📹On-demand Webinar

Missed our latest Virtual Office Hours? No worries! Watch the recording to catch up on all the insights from July 2024 Watch the recording here

🔧Top Solutions

A huge thank you to everyone who contributed to solutions this month. Here are the top solutions with the highest views: @Drewww76 @mbsr @NextCodde  @PapaTuck @houseonthehill 

🗨️ Popular Discussions

Here are some of the most talked-about topics:

🏆Top Kudoed Authors

Congratulations to our top contributors who received the most kudos last month! Click their names to view their profiles and learn from their valuable input:

  1. @Mister_Nobody - About Mister_Nobody - Lansweeper Community
  2. @Hendrik_VE - About Hendrik_VE - Lansweeper Community
  3. @francisswest - About francisswest - Lansweeper Community


Is there a community member you'd like to recognize? Leave a comment below to give them a special shout out!

A special kudos to @Fez-o-Joe for great contributions to forum discussions in Frozen LS - SQL server is fine... Anyone else have... - Lansweeper Community - 75793

And while they didn't win the draw, @Sysadmindave , @Hamza , and @kv-jsmith  deserve a mention for their popular entries to the SysAdmin Day Giveaway.

Thank you all for being such an incredible community. Here’s to more great discussions and collaborations in August!

Top Kudoed Authors JulyTop Kudoed Authors July

(Note: based on data collected from July 1st to July 31st)


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