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Forum Posts

Poll: How Familiar Are You with CAASM?

Hello Everyone, We’re looking to understand how aware the community is of Cyber Asset Attack Surface Management (CAASM) and how widely it's being adopted in the industry.  Let us know your response to the poll below on CAASM. Link to poll CAASM Poll

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Weekly Update

Hello Lansweeper Community. Here's a quick look at what's been happening in the forums this week. Hot topics: How to remove unwanted assets by type Solved: Removing unwanted assets by type - Lansweeper Community - 76140 vCenter Scanning Load Solved: ...

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Mercedes_O by Community Manager
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Community Highlights: July 2024 ✨

Hello Community! We hope you had a fantastic weekend. Here’s a look at what happened in July: July Highlights and Updates A big thank you to everyone who participated in the Lansweeper SysAdmin Day Giveaway! We were thrilled with the fantastic submis...

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Mercedes_O by Community Manager
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