We have assets loosely documented in our Sharepoint site. We also use LANSweeper heavily. The documentation on our Sharepoint site MOSTLY coincides with what LANSweeper picks up, but I would like to make a reference in a custom field to the Sharepoint document that houses the additional data about the asset and its assigned user. The Sharepoint document contains more data about the asset and user that LANSweeper simply can't pick up, like special notes about the setup, etc.
As it stands, if I simply copy and paste the link to the Sharepoint document into the Custom Field, marked as HYPERLINK, it just lists the entire 100- to 200- character string across the asset page. I would like to just be able to click a link (or heck, get crazy and make it a button or icon) that takes me to our Sharepoint site. The link to the document is so long, it won't let me edit any of the text field if I start to type the <a href... HTML coding.
I know I could just add the data to the Comments section of the Asset Page, but prior to LS, this was our primary source for asset tracking and it's years in development - so it would not be a good use of time to copy all of the info per asset into the Comments section. I feel it would be easier to simply link to it for reference
Is this even possible?
Does it make sense what I'm asking?