Hello, I'm wondering if there is a way to A) Track software licenses that aren't picked up by lansweeper (Like Kayako) and B) track certificates and have lansweeper email us before these licenses expire.
Sorry if this is a common question, I did google and searched the forums but have found nothing.
Certificate Scanning has now been added: https://www.lansweeper.com/updates/introducing-lansweepers-2022-spring-launch-aymon/#h-expanding-windows-discovery
Certificate Scanning has now been added: https://www.lansweeper.com/updates/introducing-lansweepers-2022-spring-launch-aymon/#h-expanding-windows-discovery
A) If by track you mean scan, I recommend having a look at this knowledge base article. It explains how license key scanning works and how you can submit additional keys for scanning. If by track you mean manually submit, using the software license compliance module would be a good option. B) Certificates are not currently scanned. This feature is on our customer wish list, but we do not have a release date for it.