Hi, I have an installer package that I cannot delete. Before this, it was stuck in a "performing preliminary check" loop despite it actually getting installed at that endpoint.
I found in another post the following steps to end the loop which I followed but didn't work immediately.
- stop lansweeper service
- clear installer logs
- delete the scheduled task at the endpoint
- start the lansweeper service
Eventually the package loop stopped and I no longer saw it returning to the Installer Logs as "performing preliminary checks" and now I am trying to delete the package and recreate it. My thinking is the package is corrupt in some way.
As I go to delete it, I get a warning that it is linked and I am apprehensive to click on "YES" not wanting to leave any corruption laying around in the LS database/tables.
The warning is attached.
Any advice how to proceed to "properly" delete this package?