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Forum Posts

Re-opened tickets

Is there a way to turn off automatically re-opening tickets when somebody replies to a ticket message? The tickets generate so many emails from every action being used, but then having to generate additional emails from closing again is annoying for ...

ctw by Engaged Sweeper III
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Resolved! Outgoing Email Templates

As we work to implement Lansweeper helpdesk in our environment one thing I have found that is incredibly irritating is that there is no option to send updates to just users. In theory if I updated the ticket as the agent, then I do not need an email ...

wxfisch by Engaged Sweeper II
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java install command

In windows I can issued the command and it works perfectly. jre-8u121-windows-i586 INSTALLCFG=c:\javaTest\config.propertiesIn lansweeper have created this command: {PackageShare}\Installers\Java\jre-8u121-windows-i586 INSTALLCFG={PackageShare}\Instal...

SuperStave by Engaged Sweeper II
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Resolved! Email assignment

Does anyone know of a way i can assign a ticket to an agent from email? i.e. i receive an email with a job for our developer agent to my exchange account, forward it to Lansweeper and it logs it to our developer agent.Is there a string i can put in t...

Resolved! LSPush Laptop Automation

To get better reporting on our users laptops we would like to run LSPush to our LS server when the laptops achieve any network connection. I would like this to be an easy installation that could just be the exe and batch file for users to download an...

ctw by Engaged Sweeper III
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