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Engaged Sweeper III

i create a Softwarepackage for LSAgent-Windows here from the forum. It's easy to do and i do a testinstall on my 2. Scanningserver.

It looks very fine. Agent was installed. I'm Happy because, i always had problems in the past.
The difficulty is to have two different Domains so i need two Scanservers.

So i do another test on another Machine. But nothing happend. No Deployment section on the Computers site exists.
In the Logfile from the 2.Server(Deployment Section) i see, the software was installed on my 2. Scanserver again.?

All other tests, other Packages, other computers, same Domain, other Domain. All Softwarepackages/cmd's etc was installed on my 2. Scanserver again. The Logfile shows only (2. Scanserver) Assetname.

Does Somebody has any idea?

Engaged Sweeper III
Ok Thanks
i send you an Email
Lansweeper Employee
Lansweeper Employee
Very strange. Could you send an email to our support team with the following:

  • Program Files (x86)\Lansweeper\Service\Errorlog.txt, as present on your Lansweeper server.
  • An .xml export of your deployment package. Select the package under Deployment\Packages and hit the Export button on the right side of the page, right below the package name.
  • Screenshot of a testconnection.exe test performed to one target machine with a failed deployment. Connect to the client machine's name (and not its IP address), as this is what Lansweeper connects to for deployments as well. Testconnection.exe can be found in Program Files (x86)\Lansweeper\Actions on your Lansweeper server. Perform the test from your Lansweeper server to the client machine, submit the machine's Windows credential and show us the entire test window.
  • An Excel export of the entire Deployment\Logs page. There is an Export To Excel button on the left side of the page.
Engaged Sweeper III
I have the feeling as if they were still marked somewhere ?
Next test

15:21, "B61" failed and FLD (my new test) and M5A again, and again

Engaged Sweeper III
yes it's right. This two Computer was installed 3-4 times.
Yesterday the Installation on JPWM were installation on other Machines !! from 17-20

For deploy i select the Asset and launch "Deploy Packages" or selcte the Asset from the "Deployment" Menü. Does not make difference.


Lansweeper Employee
Lansweeper Employee
I can see that most of your deployments are successful and they are indeed being deployed on 29B61, 30M5A.

How are you selecting the assets to deploy on? Are you using a group, report or selection?
Engaged Sweeper III
Yes i have two scanning servers. Deployment works but only on itself and some others in Domain A (Installation Second Scanning Server).

On Domain B (Installation Lansweeper Server) the Logfile is empty. All Installation logged on Domain A.
I create two Packages with diffrent --server Parameter. All Installation still logged in Domain A.

My tests shows that when i install to another Machine (Domain A) all other Installation that works will repeat the installation and my actual selected machine is not installed

Here is my Deployment Log
Lansweeper Employee
Lansweeper Employee
So you have two scanning servers at the moment? And deployments are not working on via your second scanning server on your second domain?

What error are you getting in your deployment logs?

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