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Engaged Sweeper
Hi All,

I'm trying to set deployment up within lansweeper for several programs however when I put the path to install from, it fails.

The share credentials have access to the path where the program is stored.


Example: \\desktop1\Apps\Caffeine\Caffe1ne.exe (program I'm wanting to install)

Deployment>Packages>New Package>Installer

Step one - Install File - {PackageShare}\\\desktop1\Apps\Caffeine\Caffe1ne.exe


Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong?
Champion Sweeper III
Matt is correct, if you use {packageshare}, Lansweeper will replace that with what is listed in Deployment > Security Options > Default Package Share

Engaged Sweeper III
Hi Ashley

If I read it correctly; the server you're running the share from is called desktop1? If so; then is the share you put in the first line accessible by your clients?


If that's the case; then you need to change the line in the deployment to match this. The {packageshare} string is replaced by the location of your LANSweeper share; so in this instance, you could probably remove it from the line to read


Hope that helps
