Modified a vbs script found on the net and tested successfully on workstations
I save the script locally, then run cscript <script_file.vbs>
Usually when deploying packages I use a single 'Command' step to run a <command_file.cmd> from the {PackageShare} location. These work without issue.
In this case I tried to use a 'Script' step in the package to run the vbs script, so I:
- Saved the vbs script file to {PackageShare} location
- Created a new Package TEST - WSUS Force Check, exported file attached
- Added a 'script' step that references the {PackageShare}\<script_file.vbs>
When I run the script it returns the following Result:
Package timeout reached. Stopping deployment executable: Successful. Timeout: (2100sec). Credential: (OMITTED). ShareCredential: (OMITTED).
Can anyone suggest why this doesn't work?