I am using the LanSweeper deployment to install a click to run version of MS Office. It is working quite well, however every now and then a PC fails the install (mostly when I am mucking up the scripts), and when this happens, I find that sometimes when I launch another deployment it also launches a second deployment of the previously failed one. I am not sure what is happening as I have set the deployment for 0 re-trys.
The most recent example steps out like this...
-kick off the deployment
-realize the script had been edited and would not work
-change the script
-PC errors out and deployment is effectively finished, but the deployment log still shows as initialized
-kick out another deployment, succeeds
-previously "initialized" deployment is left to eventually time out and therefore fail
-next morning kick out a deployment to another PC
-go to deployment log and see that the new deployment has initialized, and a repeat of the failed deployment from yesterday has also started.
Would really like to know:
1. Can you stop a deployment from the server side so i don't have to leave a failed one to time out?
2. Why it is retrying after failure when it is not set?
Would love some help if anyone knows what this is.